
邪神ちゃんドロップキック (アニメ「邪神ちゃんドロップキック 」「邪神ちゃんドロップキック’」「邪神ちゃんドロップキックX」「邪神ちゃんドロップキック【世紀末編】」含む。以下「邪神ちゃん」)は、視聴者やファンの皆さまによる二次創作を応援しております。そこで、皆さまが安心して二次創作を行っていただけるよう、このガイドラインを公開します。
・コンテンツの「MAD」動画 など
・邪神ちゃんドロップキック (全12話)
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3qMROpO
なお、株式会社KADOKAWA(以下「コンテンツ管理事業者」)は、邪神ちゃんから、二次創作およびYouTubeでの二次的コンテンツの公開について独占的に許諾され、YouTubeマルチチャンネルネットワーク(MCN)事業者に指定されています。 (MCN)https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2737059
二次的コンテンツを公開いただくと、「KADOKAWA Creator Support Program」からの「著作権の申し立て」の表示が出る場合があります。
なお、「KADOKAWA Creator Support Program」以外からの「著作権の申し立て」については、この限りではございませんので、必要な対応をお願いいたします。
「クリエイター奨励プログラム」へ作品登録することにより二次的コンテンツを収益化することが可能です。 ただし、ニコニコではサービス規約上、収益の受け取りが「個人」に限られており、法人および団体は収益を受け取ることができないこと、ご容赦ください。
The Guideline for the Derivative Creation of the “DROPKICK ON MY DEVIL!!! X”
KADOKAWA CORPORATION (“we” or “us”), acting on behalf of the rights-holders of “Jashinchan Dropkick X” (the “Anime”), would like to support a derivative creation by viewers and fans of the Anime. Therefore, in order to ensure that everyone may use the Anime derivatively free from anxiety, we release this guideline.
Within the scope of this guideline, you may create new contents using the Anime (the “Derivative Creation”*) and distribute the resulted contents created by you (the “Derivative Work”) on YouTube or Niconico (as defined below) without obtaining our prior consent. And you may also distribute a portion of the Derivative Work on the social media for the purpose of inducing potential viewers to the Derivative Work distributed on YouTube or Niconico (the “Inducement” ).
*Examples of the Derivative Creation is as follows.
・Clipping videos from the Anime with some comments.
・Insight, commentary, or introductory videos that use the Anime or images of its characters.
・Anime music videos (AMVs) (music videos consisting of clips from the Anime set to an audio track.
■The content that may be the subject of the Derivative Creation under this guideline is as follows (the “Licensed Contents”)
Jashinchan Dropkick X (12 episodes)
However, you may use the Licensed Contents in and to each Derivative Work for up to 10 minutes.
Please note that the following are not included in the Licensed Contents and this guideline does not apply to the following.
・Jashinchan Dropkick (1st season)
・Jashinchan Dropkick’ (2nd season)
■ You may distribute the Derivative Work only on the following Platform
・YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/)
・Niconico (https://www.nicovideo.jp/)
You may upload the Derivative Work only on the above two platforms, but you may tweet a part of the Licensed Contents in the form of quoting. For the avoidance of doubt, you may not upload and distribute the Derivative Work directly to and on the Twitter.
Please note that this guideline does not apply to any distribution that requires viewers to pay fees for viewing, such as distribution limited to the member of the YouTube channel memberships or Niconico paid channel subscriptions.
<The Guideline for the Derivative Work on YouTube>
■1■ Pre-registration of your contact information
Before distributing the Derivative Work, you are required to register your contact information and other details through the link below.
You shall register for each YouTube channel that will distribute the Derivative Work. We will not return our reply to you in response to your registration. You may distribute the Derivative Work once you have registered.
We may from time to time contact you to your registered address. (e.g., if you fall under the Prohibitions described below, we may notify you to that effect. By responding to the notice, you may be able to avoid the penalty levied by YouTube. (Please note, however, that we do not guarantee that you will so avoid.)
When you distribute the Derivative Work, you shall be sure to place the following legends with the Derivative Work.
———- Quoting ———-
This content is distributed in accordance with the Guideline for Derivative Creation of the Jashinchan Dropkick X.
◆Information related to the Jashinchan Dropkick X:
Official website: http://jashinchan.com/
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3qMROpO
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jashinchan_pj
◆Information related to the Derivative Creation:
The guideline for the derivative creation of the Jashinchan Dropkick X: http://jashinchan.com/special
Report of the unfair use: https://bit.ly/3KTtjiJ
Copyright ID: #A00000000000002535
Cooperator for licensing:#CreatorSupportProgram
Official Twitter of the Creator Support Program: https://bit.ly/3zXvoYF
———- End of the Quote ———-
If you desire to monetize the Derivative Work, you are required to take the following steps in advance.
We, KADOKAWA CORPORATION, have been exclusively licensed by the rights-holder of the Anime to grant license to create the Derivative Work and distribute the Derivative Work on YouTube. And we are designated by the rights-holders of the Anime as the YouTube Multi-Channel Network (MCN) operator.
(MCN) https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2737059
(1) Your participation in the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).
(YPP) https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/72851
(2) Your execution of the Service Agreement related to the “Creator Support Program” provided by us as the YouTube Multi-Channel Network.
You will need to use the “Creator Support Program” and pay us the copyright fee for the Licensed Contents and the service fee for the “Creator Support Program” from the revenue generated by your YouTube channel.
To use the “Creator Support Program”, you may apply from the following link.
■4■ Points to note when a “Copyright claim” notice appears.
When you distribute the Derivative Work on YouTube, a “Copyright claim” notice from the “KADOKAWA Creator Support Program” may appear.
This notice is automatically displayed when the Derivative Work includes the Licensed Contents. This is not a claim of copyright infringement, so please do not “Dispute the claim”. You do not have to remove or set the Derivative Work as private.
For the avoidance of doubt, please note that the above does not apply to “Copyright claim” from parties other than the “KADOKAWA Creator Support Program”. In such case, you are required to respond appropriately to such “Copyright claim”.
■5■ Inquiries for the guideline for the Derivative Work on YouTube / Inquiries.KADOKAWA CORPORATION
<The Guideline for the Derivative Work on the Niconico>
■1■ How to distribute the Derivative Work on Niconico
We have released information regarding the Derivative Creation of the Licensed Contents on Niconico at “Niconi Commons”.
If you would like to distribute the Derivative Work of the Anime, after reviewing the information in the URL above, you shall designate/register the Licensed Contents as the “Original work*” of the Derivative Work.
- Details of the “Original work” and how to register them are as follows
You may monetize the Derivative Work by registering the Derivative Work under the “Creator Patronizing Program”. Please note, however, that in accordance with Niconico Terms of Use, only “individuals” may receive revenue related to the Derivative Work, corporations and other organizations may not receive revenue.
In the event of the Derivative Creation, the distribution of the Derivative Work and the Inducement, you shall not engage in any of the following acts, or any act that could potentially encourage such acts.
・Any acts that modify or mislead the purpose, intent, or facts of the Licensed Contents.
・Any acts that damage the credibility or social reputation of the Licensed Contents.
・Any acts that could be misunderstood or misidentified as official Anime contents or official social media account of the Anime, such as using the “official” or “authorized” descriptions.
・Any acts that infringe intellectual property rights of, or otherwise cause disadvantage to third parties.
・Distribute the Derivative Work or the Inducement for the purpose of promoting a third party’s products or services.
・Any acts that is against laws, regulations, or public policy.
・Any acts that breach the terms of use, community guideline or help policies of Youtube and Niconico, etc,, or any other requirement by the platform or social media that you use.
・Any acts that are not creative and use the Licensed Contents on an “as is” basis for the Derivative Work.
・Any acts that exceed the scope of use permitted by this guideline.
・Any other acts that the rights-holders of the Anime or we determine to be inappropriate.
In the event that we or the rights-holders of the Anime deem the Derivative Work to be inappropriate, you may be requested to suspend the distribution of the Derivative Work or the Inducement. In so requesting we may not give you any reason. Upon receiving such a request, you shall promptly cease distribution of the Derivative Work or the Inducement.
■2■Governing Law, etc.
This guideline shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
Any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with this guideline shall submit to the exclusive agreed jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court at the first instance. However, disputes arising with residents outside Japan shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Commercial Arbitration Rules of The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association. The seat of arbitration shall be Tokyo, Japan. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be Japanese.
■3■ Disclaimer
・If you receive a complaint or claim for compensation from a third party regarding the Derivative Creation and Derivative Work (including the Inducement), you shall settle the dispute at its own responsibility and expense, and agree to hold the rights-holders of the Anime and us harmless from any and all damages.
・Some Licensed Contents may contain material to which third parties own rights. If you would like to use such materials, you shall obtain the approval of the right holders by yourself. Please note that we are unable to respond to inquiries as to who is the rights holder.
・This guideline may be subject to change or termination without prior notice, so please always check the latest guideline. For the avoidance of doubt, rights-holders of the Anime nor we will be held liable for any damages resulting from the updating of this guideline.
・Please note that we may not be able to respond to individual inquiries regarding this guideline unless otherwise provided herein.